Monday, May 7, 2007

Week Two

Here we are enjoying our new porch.
And that's it for this weekend. Hopefully we'll be up next week to do more.

Here's what lock-up looks like.

Here's the simple way to set the roof in place.

But this porch roof is special too.

The roof goes up!

But it makes a heck of a racket. I probably should have worn these all along.

You can cut a metal roof with a regular circular saw blade as long as you reverse the blade.

Next I had to start working on the porch roof. Metal roofing to match the cabin roof.

Here's a little drystone step I built to get up on the porch.

This front porch can be put away. I have kept this little structure purposefully small so that it fits within the guidelines of the local building code. Some inspectors count porches as part of the square footage. As you'll see, the porch will also serve as part of the cabin's security.

Here's a hint.

And here it is all done. But this porch is a little different. How?

I made no Day Ten post because I didn't get in until after midnight that night and had to be at work the next morning. I sheathed the front of the cabin that day, cleaned up around the site, and tried to prepare the structure for a week alone. Sounds like about two hours work, but I somehow left in the failing light after 8:00 pm.

If you would like to have a laugh, you should compare the list of things I think I should get done in an aloted amount of time to the list of things I do get done. I arrived to the country to see the cabin still standing and the tarp I put over the roof still in place. I decided to go back and reinforce the nailing I did on all the siding, making sure I didn't cut any corners. Next, I started on the front porch.


bob said...

Aaron, Congratulations! What an accomplishment. You will be telling your children and grandchildren many stories about this experience. Love, Susan and Bob

Jim said...

Nice Work! Build a cabin, out in bfe, by myself, with limited tools & resources, in two weeks? No problem. You're the man. Congratulations!

P.S. Didn't Castle Greyskull have that porch design?