Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Week Four

Little house, upon leaving.
The wall of windows with some detail work.

Here you can see that not all the exterior detail work is done, but you can get an idea of what it will look like.

Rick and me on the porch.

All three windows in.

The kerf cut frames did a good job bending over the top of the arched window.

I told Lauren that I didn't think I was going to figure out how to put in all the windows on the east side of the cabin, to which she responded, "Oh, that's alright, I guess we'll see the sun as it's setting." That kind of well-placed motivating sarcasm led me to much head scratching and these kerfs.

Here's the first east window.

The french doors installed. These really let in a lot of light. These doors had a broken pane of glass as did the window beside it, so I had to spend a little time fixing them.

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